Green-e Climate Stakeholder Comment Period for Endorsed Programs Ends Thursday, January 10th 2008

The Center for Resource Solutions (CRS) is excited to invite stakeholders to comment on the proposed Green-e Climate endorsement of the following Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Project Certification Programs.

  • The Gold Standard
  • The Voluntary Carbon Standard
  • The Green-e Climate Protocol for Renewable Energy
  • The Clean Development Mechanism

More information about this process and comment forms are available at the Green-e Climate Endorsed Projects page.

Green-e Climate aims to endorse GHG Project Certification Programs in order to ensure that specific GHG reduction projects result in real, verified, enforceable, permanent, and additional reductions. The specific principles and criteria that project protocols should meet are outlined in the Green-e Climate Standard. Based on comments received during this stakeholder consultation, the Green-e Governance Board will make a determination on the proposed endorsement of the four GHG Project Certification Programs.

Green-e Climate is a consumer protection program that will certify GHG emission reduction products (commonly referred to as GHG offsets) being offered by GHG vendors. Certification under Green-e Climate will ensure that no double selling of offsets occurs, that no false claims about products are made, and that consumers are informed about the offset products they are purchasing. Green-e Climate certified products will only be able to source GHG emission reductions from programs endorsed by Green-e Climate, its stakeholders, and the Green-e Governance Board.

More information about how Green-e Climate will interact with endorsed programs can be found on the Green-e Climate website.

Stakeholder comments on these Programs are due by the 10th of January 2008.
